How To Write Katakana

Often used for onomatopoeia.
How to write katakana. There are two pairs of japanese katakana characters that are probably the most confusing for japanese language students. Write katakana in the a line. First things first japanese uses three main scripts or alphabets. To type directly with the computer keyboard. When someone wants to emphasize text much like writing in italics in english.
Company names will sometimes write their names in katakana. Add the sign to type a small katakana. Robot speech as in when you write out text for robots talking for various stylistic purposes. Once the 46 katakana symbols have been learned the reader knows how to pronounce them. For example if your name is maria look for the katakana character for ma which is マ then the character for ri which is リ and then character for a which is ア.
Katakana and hiragana are both syllabaries. The second pair is ソ so and ン n. Kanji 漢字 are adopted chinese characters used in modern japanese writing. The characters ヰ wi and ヱ we are obsoletes. Most japanese words nouns adjectives and verbs are written in kanji.
For example the katakana for woman is written as u man ウーマン. Copy ctrl c paste ctrl v. There are no spaces in japanese so kanji helps distinguish when a new word begins. To write your name in japanese the easiest way is to find a katakana letter that corresponds to the pronunciation of your japanese name. In a syllabary each symbol stands for a syllable.
Hiragana katakana and kanji. Notice that there is no wu sound. Write katakana in the ka line. In english we use the letters of the alphabet. A i u e o tsu or q type â î û ê ô for the long vowels or type the underscore after the vowel.