How To Use Joining Comma In A Sentence

The connecting words which can be used in this way are and or but while and yet here are some examples.
How to use joining comma in a sentence. Either way ella should learn to control her temper. After all you know what a comma is. And commas often accompany a conjunction which is a word that connects phrases clauses or sentences e g and because but and however or any other words or expressions that provide a similar. When you want to join two independent clauses you need a conjunction or a semicolon. Larry has proposed a toast to his bride but has given her nothing but a.
It is used to join two complete sentences into a single sentence and it must be followed by a suitable connecting word. You can chain together many sentences with commas as many as you like. This kind of long sentence is known as a run on sentence and is generally considered poor style because it is difficult to understand. The period or full stop ends a sentence. There were no clouds in the sky i went for a jog.
Also if you add information to the end of a sentence use a comma to link the added information to the rest of the sentence. Commas don t have to be confusing. Use commas to offset appositives from the rest of the sentence. Do not use a comma for the last two items joined by and unless longer items e g. In the sentence above you need the comma to make clear that it was cleo who waved not the man.
The punctuation used to mark a division in a sentence like the separation of words phrases a clause or a sequence. Use commas as separators in lists when you are listing items use a comma to separate each item. Ella wrote a statement for the media and then screamed at larry for an hour. If a long sentence leaves you out of breath when you are reading it out loud add a comma to give a brief breathing break to the reader. Knowing when and how to use punctuation properly particularly a comma is often difficult.
Your example is not particularly long but you do want to be clear what words in the sentence your clauses modify. The use of the comma is to help with shortening long sentences or joining two sentences or even to list a number of words within one sentence. A comma alone isn t strong enough to join them. There were no clouds in the sky. The joining comma is only slightly different from the listing comma.