How To Use Z Crystals In Pokemon Ultra Moon

For a trainer to obtain z crystal one must complete an island trial challenge by defeating totem pokémon and a grand trial challenge from defeating the island kahuna.
How to use z crystals in pokemon ultra moon. Go to it and it will say which pokemon is compatible with it. Z crystals are new items in pokemon sun and moon that give pokemon that hold them incredible power. If you re playing pokémon ultra sun you will receive this z crystal after you let cosmog join your party at the lake of the sunne on ula ula island in the reverse world. Lunalium z if you re playing pokémon ultra moon lillie will give this z crystal to you after you defeat catch lunala at the mahalo trail in iki town on melemele island. If you passed the first trial there will be a z crystals slot in the bag.
How to obtain z crystals. To give a z crystal to a pokemon go to bag. Flying z move ten carat hill need tauros and machamp pokemon specific z crystals. In the core series games. Defeat third kahuna nanu poison z crystal.
Talk to lillie to get solgaleo lunala depending on the version of ultra moon ultra sun you own. The z crystals work with the z ring. Gifted by plumeria on poni island. This guide will tell you where you can find all of the z crystals in ultra sun and ultra moon. Next go through the warp hole at the altar of the sunne moone and travel to the lake of the.
This table will show you the list of all of the available z crystals in pokemon ultra sun and moon as well as the location on where you can find each one. Kommonium z kommo o s exclusive z crystal is located in the plains grotto north of the poni plains and you grab the z crystal from the pedestal and now you have a kommonium z. Most of these type z crystals can be found by just playing through the games main stories. You can give one type of z crystal to more than one pokemon at a time. Many z crystals are based off of typings and any pokémon can use any of these z crystals just as long as that pokémon knows a move with the same type as the z crystal they are holding.
Lunalium z you get lunala s exclusive z move when you get cosmog in ultra sun. The lunalium z japanese. It is a pokémon specific z crystal associated with lunala and dawn wings necrozma and allows either to upgrade its moongeist beam into the special z move menacing moonraze maelstrom. This will allow the pokemon holding the z crystal to perform an extremely powerful move but you.