How To Use Etc In A Question

Is appropriate is to substitute and so on or and so forth if those synonyms make sense you can use etc.
How to use etc in a question. Is it correct to use comma after a at the end of a sentence note a comma could be used here to introduce a slight pause for emphasis but it would be unusual. And mature adults use both in speech but the more formal the situation is the more often ようと is chosen. A good way to test whether etc. Help center detailed answers to any questions you might have. I use technology like a b c bad.
These are the wh question words why how etc that we use to make question word questions. Use intonation with a normal statement. 1 free english lesson added every single day. There is also ようが which is slightly more emphatic than ようと.
I use technology like java microsoft etc should be. Don t use a comma after etc. This page lists their functions and gives example senyences. In that very simple case most of the time question words would be at the end of the statement but they can also sometimes be at the beginning of the statement. The question will be marked with a querying tone or in written form with a question mark.
Is it correct to use comma after etc at the end of a sentence should be. Et cetera refers to things et al. If it is at the end of the sentence. As you would the phrase and the rest when it comes at the end of a list put a comma before it if you use the serial comma and don t if you don t use the serial comma. You should never use and et cetera remember et means and and et cetera is redundant.
Let s see the three ways to use them. To use etc correctly use it in instances where you would say and so forth for example if you are making a list of possible desserts and want to express that there could be more items than the ones you have listed write cakes cupcakes ice cream etc do not use etc more than once and do not use etc to refer to people.