How To Spell Knock

To collide with something.
How to spell knock. Names that start with k and names that end with k. It is also used figuratively to mean a critical comment or a severe setback. Alternative spelling of knock. Wander knocked about europe all summer. To knock means to rap on a surface such as a door with force in order to make enough noise to attract attention.
Longer ways to spell knock. 5 letter names with similar spelling as knock. Knock the correct spelling is. To make a pounding noise. Common misspellings of the word knock are.
You can translate the dictionary words into your native language. The spelling knock is a rap on a door or slang meaning to disparage the sound alike word is nock notched rear of an arrow or to place an arrow in the bow. This course teaches english spelling rules with interactive exercises and spelling tests helping learners with problems such as dyslexia to improve their english spelling and helping others to learn english as a foreign language. Even common names are often seplled in a wrong way. Alternative spelling of knock.
Entry 1 of 2 intransitive verb. Bustle heard them knocking around in the kitchen. How do you spell knock in english. Knock may also mean to thump on something to accidentally collide with something especially if that thing falls over to demolish something or injure something. To strike something with a sharp blow.
Name knock definition.